Image 앤드류 리소우스키 M.S., HTL (ASCP) 앤드류는 현재 일리노이주 리치몬드 라이카 바이오시스템즈의 기술 애플리케이션 관리자입니다. 일리노이주 시카고에 있는 노스 이스턴 일리노이 대학교에서 분자 생물학 석사 학위를 취득했습니다. 현재 라이카 바이오시스템즈에서 조직학 교육 및 관련 소모품 기술 교육을 담당하고 있습니다. 또한 R&D 팀에서 품질 관리 및 신제품 개발을 지원하고 있습니다. 앤드류는 2007년 약리학 및 실험 치료학 저널에 게재한 ‘실험용 아세틸-CoA 카르복실라제 억제제를 투여한 쥐의 유전자 발현 분석이 과산화소체 증식제-활성화 수용체(PPAR)-α 경로와의 상호작용을 암시’를 포함하여 여러 편의 논문을 발표했습니다. Published Pieces by 앤드류 리소우스키 How to Create a High-Quality H&E Staining ProtocolWebinars(H&E) Routine Staining quality depends on all preceding steps: fixation, processing and microtomy. Protocols chosen, as well as consumables used, might and will affect coloration and intensity of the stained specimens. How to Create a High-Quality H&E Staining ProtocolWebinars(H&E) Routine Staining quality depends on all preceding steps: fixation, processing and microtomy. Protocols chosen, as well as consumables used, might and will affect coloration and intensity of the stained specimens. Troubleshooting Routine Histology: A Guide on How to Avoid Common MistakesTraining Resources (Knowledge Pathway) Download this training resource to learn more about a typical histology workflow and receive guidance on how to avoid common mistakes. Fundamentals of H&E StainingWebinars (Knowledge Pathway) In this webinar, Andrew Lisowski explains the fundamentals of H&E, or Routine Staining as it’s often termed. 지방 검체 처리웨비나 (Knowledge Pathway) One of the most critical steps in histology is fixation, especially when it comes to fatty tissue. Fundamentals of H&E Staining교육 자료 (Knowledge Pathway) H&E staining is often termed as “routine staining” as it is the most common way of coloring otherwise transparent tissue specimen. Download this training resource to learn more about the fundamentals of H&E staining. Fundamentals of Tissue Processing and Its Preceding Steps교육 자료 (Knowledge Pathway) Download this training resource to learn more about the fundamentals of tissue processing and its preceding steps. Glass Slides: Science of Surface ModificationWebinars (Knowledge Pathway) Andrew will explain how glass is made and how we change its surface, so it is not inert.He will also review the common factors contributing to specimen loss and describe the benefits and dangers of the adhesives currently used. These modifications dictate the... H&E 과학교육 자료 (Knowledge Pathway) Download this training resource to learn more about routine staining with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and the steps involved with the staining process. 조직 처리 과학교육 자료 (Knowledge Pathway) Download this training resource to learn more about tissue processing and the steps required to take animal or human tissue from fixation to the state of complete infiltration with a histological paraffin.