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Kimberly J. Byrwa-Neff


Kimberly Byrwa-Neff는 임상 간호와 업계 증거 생성에 경험이 있는 국가 공인 간호사(RN)입니다. 임상 전문 분야는 심장학과 종양학, 특히 유방암입니다. 간호사, 프로세스 효율성 분야의 블랙 벨트, 유방암 환자의 딸이자 유방암 생존자로서 킴벌리는 환자를 간호할 때 유방암 환자로서의 경험을 바탕으로 유방암 환자 간호를 개선하고 있습니다. 수많은 논문을 저술하고 전국의 유방 관련 네트워크와 협력하여 임상 결과 개선 방법을 제시했습니다.

Published Pieces by Kimberly J.

In partnership with the National Consortium of Breast Centers (NCBC), Leica Biosystems’ Process & Solution Optimization team worked with several hospitals with the goal to improve the quality and efficiencies of their breast programs. Through this work, the team identified common barriers and improvement opportunities.

In partnership with the National Consortium of Breast Centers (NCBC), Leica Biosystems’ Process & Solution Optimization team worked with several hospitals with the goal to improve the quality and efficiencies of their breast programs. Through this work, the team identified common barriers and improvement opportunities.

Leica Biosystems working in partnership with Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC), conducted process assessments to analyze the timeliness treatment for breast cancer patients. We identified a lack of standardized processes for conduction of imaging services and elongated time to diagnosis. The Breast Imaging and Reporting Data System (BI-RADs) is the standardized method to record findings on imaging studies.

Leica Biosystems working in partnership with Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC), conducted process assessments to analyze the timeliness treatment for breast cancer patients. We identified a lack of standardized processes for conduction of imaging services and elongated time to diagnosis. The Breast Imaging and Reporting Data System (BI-RADs) is the standardized method to record findings on imaging studies.

Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC) is a community hospital in Portsmouth, Ohio. Review of data pertaining to breast care delivery demonstrated opportunities for improvement. Analysis of the cadence of care processes across departments demonstrated delays in care and outmigration potential. One quality study demonstrated 10% of patients did NOT select SOMC for surgical intervention post biopsy.

Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC) is a community hospital in Portsmouth, Ohio. Review of data pertaining to breast care delivery demonstrated opportunities for improvement. Analysis of the cadence of care processes across departments demonstrated delays in care and outmigration potential. One quality study demonstrated 10% of patients did NOT select SOMC for surgical intervention post biopsy.

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway) , 에디토리얼 (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway)

Current technology allows tumors to be painted with multiple colors, termed multiplex staining. Multiplex staining today used in research, may also assist with cancer diagnoses clinically via: preservation of tissue, improved diagnostic accuracy, and enhanced diagnostic insight.

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway) , 에디토리얼 (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway)

Current technology allows tumors to be painted with multiple colors, termed multiplex staining. Multiplex staining today used in research, may also assist with cancer diagnoses clinically via: preservation of tissue, improved diagnostic accuracy, and enhanced diagnostic insight.

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway) , 에디토리얼 (Knowledge Pathway, Knowledge Pathway)

Current technology allows tumors to be painted with multiple colors, termed multiplex staining. Multiplex staining today used in research, may also assist with cancer diagnoses clinically via: preservation of tissue, improved diagnostic accuracy, and enhanced diagnostic insight.

사례 연구 (Knowledge Pathway)

Read how the National Consortium of Breast Centers and Leica Biosystems worked with hospitals to improve the quality and efficiencies of their breast programs.