Troubleshooting & Reprocessing Difficult Paraffin Blocks

Difficult Blocks and Reprocessing
What To Do When Your Block Won’t Section
From time to time, in all histopathology laboratories, paraffin blocks will be encountered that are difficult or even impossible to section. This download provides guidance on how to deal with these difficult blocks to get the best possible section, and how to identify and avoid a repeat of underlying causes.
Download Difficult Blocks And Reprocessing - What To Do When Your Blocks Won't Section now!
Part 1: The initial assessment - why is my block difficult or impossible to cut?
Part 2: Getting more information: examples of typical problems and their causes
Part 3: Detailed solutions for problem blocks
Part 4: The root cause of processing problems and their prevention
Part 5: How to validate a reprocessing method
Part 6: Appendix
About the presenter

Geoffrey Rolls is a Histology Consultant with decades of experience in the field. He is a former Senior Lecturer in histopathology in the Department of Laboratory Medicine, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.
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