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Cory A. Roberts

Dr. Cory A. Roberts

President, CEO and Chairman of the Board

Dr. Roberts is a board-certified clinical and anatomic pathologist sub-specializing in gastrointestinal and hepatic pathology and President of the Anatomic Pathology Division Sonic Healthcare USA.

Dr. Roberts was formerly with ProPath as the President and Chairman of the Board since 2011, led the company through a successful re-organization in 2016, and was named as its first Chief Executive Officer in 2017.

Dr. Roberts also serves on the Scientific Advisory Board at Reveal Biosciences, the Gastroenterology Expert Panel at Allakos, the Thought Leadership Initiative at Leica Biosystems, the Board of Directors of Morningside University, a panelist on the Panel of National Pathology Leaders, and has served as a laboratory industry consultant for Glenview Capital Management. Prior to joining ProPath, he was an Assistant Professor of Pathology and Director of the Residency Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Published Pieces by Dr. Cory

Unter Pathologen (Knowledge Pathway)

Curious about what the future holds? Listen to our global panel of expert pathologists and learn more about AI, digital pathology, and how future innovations may lead the way.

Unter Pathologen (Knowledge Pathway)

Curious about what the future holds? Listen to our global panel of expert pathologists and learn more about AI, digital pathology, and how future innovations may lead the way.

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

To bring digital into daily practice we need rigor and transparency as to how we recoup the investment in digital pathology, and this requires defining ROI with confidence and specificity.

Pathologist Pathway (Knowledge Pathway)

To bring digital into daily practice we need rigor and transparency as to how we recoup the investment in digital pathology, and this requires defining ROI with confidence and specificity.

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