홈 • Clinical Solutions • Case Studies • Expediting Patient Care Through Improved BI-RADS Finalization Expediting Patient Care Through Improved BI-RADS Finalization Kimberly J. Byrwa-Neff RN, BA, CPHQ Wendi Waugh R.T. (R)(T) CMD CTR BS Rhondalyn Bomkamp RN, BSN, MBA Leica Biosystems working in partnership with Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC), conducted process assessments to analyze the timeliness treatment for breast cancer patients. We identified a lack of standardized processes for conduction of imaging services and elongated time to diagnosis. The Breast Imaging and Reporting Data System (BI-RADs) is the standardized method to record findings on imaging studies. A primary area of concern was identified in patients receiving a BI-RADs rating of “0”. A BI-RAD 0 means the patient requires additional imaging to make a final determination as to radiologic findings, thus contributing to the timeliness to treatment. METHODS Leica Biosystems’ team of clinical and process experts spent time observing processes, from the time a patient entered the imaging suite, until the time their diagnosis and treatment plan were ready for delivery. Data and information collected from SOMC showed the time from receipt of an imaging BI-RAD of 0 to a final BI-RAD rating took an average of 26.10 days. Data from The Advisory Board sites a national average of 6.5 days. A multi-disciplinary team of process and SOMC clinical experts implemented the following process improvements: utilization of lean principles for patient management, better coordination of staff and radiologist schedules, standardizing the process for prior authorizations, and confirming appropriate metrics are monitored. RESULTS Data for patients with a BI-RAD of “0” to a final rating 2018 Average of 26.10 days; Median of 16.5 days 2019 Average of 7.5 days; Median of 6.5 days CONCLUSION Patients will receive more timely care and experience less anxiety by expediting care through the imaging process. Applying lean principles of process improvement and implementing internal changes will result in improved timeliness and efficiency with care delivery. Projections and Realized Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions. 발표자 소개 Kimberly J. Byrwa-Neff , RN, BA, CPHQ Kimberly Byrwa-Neff is a registered nurse with a background in both clinical nursing as well as in evidence generation in industry. Her clinical expertise lies in cardiology as well as oncology, specifically breast cancer. As a nurse, black belt in process excellence, daughter of a breast cancer patient, and survivor of breast cancer herself she brings the full patient experience to her work to improve care for breast cancer patients. Kimberly has authored numerous papers and presented improvement in clinical outcomes as a result of working with breast teams across the country. Wendi Waugh , R.T. (R)(T) CMD CTR BS Wendi Waugh, R.T. (R)(T) CMD CTR BS, is employed at Southern Ohio Medical Center and has worked in healthcare for more than 30 years. Wendi’s current role at SOMC is the Administrative Director of Cancer Services & Community Health and Wellness. She is a graduate of the Radiologic Technology Program at Shawnee State University and received her training for Radiation Therapy at Weber State University. Wendi completed her Bachelor of Science at Kennedy Western Reserve in Health Administration and Health Informatics. Wendi is also a Certified Cancer Registrar and Certified Medical Dosimetrist. Wendi’s passion for community health and community development emerged after a battle with breast cancer. Wendi is now a 14 year survivor of breast cancer and attributes success to maintain positive mental and physical wellness. Rhondalyn Bomkamp , RN, BSN, MBA Rhondalyn Bomkamp, is an accomplished Director/Nurse Leader with a proven track record of effectively managing complex projects and health system performance improvement initiatives. As a registered nurse, she has experience in Quality and Patient Safety and Project Management/Development in the oncology, cardiac and intensive care arenas. She has strong clinical knowledge and management experience with the ability to recognize opportunities for improvement, coordinate the work of many areas and develop collaborative relationships with diverse groups to facilitate the implementation of change. 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