Digital Pathology for Primary Diagnosis from an IT Manager's perspective Mark Flood, BMLSc Application Specialist, Pathology Associates, Pathlab Bay of Plenty, New Zealand During this presentation, Mark will give an overview of his perspective on integration of new technologies in the laboratory setting. He will focus on four key elements of Digital Pathology: Image acquisition, Image Storage, Image presentation and User Experience- highlighting where Pathlab are right now and then where to from here? 발표자 소개 Mark Flood, BMLSc , Application Specialist, Pathology Associates, Pathlab Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Mark is the key IT Application Specialist for Histopathology at Pathlab Bay of Plenty and has been responsible for supporting Pathlab’s IT requirements for the past 10 years. Before joining Pathlab IT team, Mark had broad medical laboratory experiences in scientific roles at Pathlab Bay of Plenty, Canterbury Health Laboratories, Christchurch and the New Zealand Blood Service. Mark worked extensively with key stakeholders on the Digital Pathology integration project at Pathlab and was instrumental in putting together an implementation and maintenance IT framework plan ensuring the project’s success. Pathlab was the first Laboratory to go live with adopting digital pathology for Primary Diagnosis in New Zealand. Mark is passionate about both IT and histopathology and is keen to help laboratories overcome the workload pressures with the adoption of automation and technology. Leica Biosystems 콘텐츠는 Leica Biosystems 웹사이트 이용 약관의 적용을 받으며, 이용 약관은 다음에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 법적고지. 라이카 바이오시스템즈 웨비나, 교육 프레젠테이션 및 관련 자료는 특별 주제 관련 일반 정보를 제공하지만 의료, 규정 또는 법률 상담으로 제공되지 않으며 해석되어서는 안 됩니다. 관점과 의견은 발표자/저자의 개인 관점과 의견이며 라이카 바이오시스템즈, 그 직원 또는 대행사의 관점이나 의견을 나타내거나 반영하지 않습니다. 제3자 자원 또는 콘텐츠에 대한 액세스를 제공하는 콘텐츠에 포함된 모든 링크는 오직 편의를 위해 제공됩니다. 모든 제품 사용에 다양한 제품 및 장치의 제품 정보 가이드, 부속 문서 및 작동 설명서를 참조해야 합니다. Copyright © 2025 Leica Biosystems division of Leica Microsystems, Inc. and its Leica Biosystems affiliates. All rights reserved. LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. Contact Our Clinical Expert Now If you have viewed this educational webinar or training and would like to apply for continuing education credits with your certifying organization, please download the form to assist you in adding self-reported educational credits to your transcript. 자가보고식 교육학점을 신청 하세요 SHARE Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email