Inicio • Soluciones Para Investigacion Y Ciencias De La Vida • Recursos educativos • Guías prácticas • Digital Pathology: Take Your Next Step On the Path to Implementation RELATED PRODUCTS Aperio GT 450 - Automated, High Capacity Digital Pathology Slide Scanner Aperio CS2 — High quality digital slides from your desktop Aperio VERSA Brightfield, Fluorescence & FISH Digital Pathology Scanner Aperio ImageScope - Pathology Slide Viewing Software RELATED TAGS AND TOPICS Automated Digital Workflow, Digital Imaging workflows, Immunohistochemistry RELATED CONTENT Tools Of The Trade: Multiplexed Digital Pathology Aperio GT 450 Workflow Research Study Benefits Of Automation For Tissue-Based Research Digital Pathology: Take Your Next Step On the Path to Implementation Rhian Evans Ph.D., Scientist Digital pathology can help overcome time, productivity, and quality constraints often associated with manual microscopy, by enabling you to work in the digital environment. Additional benefits of implementing digital pathology into your research projects are highlighted below. Why Go Digital? Digital pathology is the practice of converting microscopic glass slides into digital slides that can be viewed, managed, and analyzed on a computer screen or mobile device. Digital pathology is being readily adopted by research organizations to enhance biomarker and drug discovery. Here are the top reasons to implement digital pathology. Image Improve Quality & Productivity Reduced errors: Helps prevent breaking of precious slides due to excess handling, and need to ship to distant laboratories. Misidentification may also be reduced by barcoding of slides. More innovation: Big data provides more research outputs for complex research questions. Allows research groups to collaborate at broader locations. Provides tools for teaching and training at different locations. Improved analysis: Improve accuracy in tissue analysis by removing the subjectivity and inter-/ intra-observer variability inherent in manual review, as well as providing a comprehensive, quantitative analysis. Improved workflow: Central storage and data management systems for digitized slides enables international collaboration, a more streamlined workflow, and for more flexible work schedules. A new way to view: Team annotation of slides. Measure multiple areas of interest with multiple people annotating. Get a dashboard view of all annotations for analysis. Simultaneous view of slides from the same study. Reduced turnaround time: Enables immediate access to archived digital slides compared to searching in physical repositories. Also reduces time in retrieving, matching and organizing data within a study. Download Now For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures About the presenter Rhian Evans , Ph.D., Scientist Rhian is a Scientist from Swansea University in Medical and Healthcare Studies and was featured in several collaborative publications. Rhian’s research-based background focused on tissue-based pathology in Multiple Sclerosis, primarily using immunohistochemical analysis and in vitro molecular techniques. She spent a short period conducting routine PCR testing for COVID-19 at the end of 2020. Related Content Tools Of The Trade: Multiplexed Digital Pathology Aperio GT 450 Workflow Research Study Benefits Of Automation For Tissue-Based Research El contenido de Leica Biosystems Knowledge Pathway está sujeto a las condiciones de uso del sitio web de Leica Biosystems, disponibles en: Aviso legal.. 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