Inicio • Soluciones Para Investigacion Y Ciencias De La Vida • Recursos educativos • Artículos • Tissue Processing Artifacts: Checklist for Success RELATED PRODUCTS HistoCore AUTOCUT R - Automated Rotary Microtome for Research Leica VT1000 S Vibrating blade microtome Leica CM3050 S Cryostat RELATED TAGS AND TOPICS Tissue Processing, Histology, Tissue Preparation RELATED CONTENT Lessons From the Laboratory: Optimizing Your Tissue Processing Lessons From the Laboratory: Your Tissue Processing Questions, Answered Tissue Processing: A Cornerstone to Quality Downstream Testing Tissue Processing Artifacts: Checklist for Success Robin Fitzl Sr. Field Applications Specialist - Leica Biosystems This downloadable training resource helps you to learn more about what is "optimal" and what is "not" in tissue processing, leveraging examples and descriptions for optimizing laboratory techniques. Learning Objectives for this checklist: Audience: Scientists that have a basic knowledge of tissue preservation and the methodology for using a conventional tissue processor. Action: Anticipate and consider pre-analytical and processing factors that create tissue processing artifacts. Criteria: Examples of tissue slides without artifacts and well-preserved morphology. Examples of tissue slides that have artifacts and/or poor morphology due to poor practices, over or under processing. Degree: Examples and explanation of factors that create suboptimal results that can be avoided by identifying the root cause of artifacts. Download Checklist Now! Related Content Lessons From the Laboratory: Optimizing Your Tissue Processing Lessons From the Laboratory: Your Tissue Processing Questions, Answered Tissue Processing: A Cornerstone to Quality Downstream Testing El contenido de Leica Biosystems Knowledge Pathway está sujeto a las condiciones de uso del sitio web de Leica Biosystems, disponibles en: Aviso legal.. El contenido, incluidos los webinars o seminarios web, los recursos de formación y los materiales relacionados, está destinado a proporcionar información general sobre temas concretos de interés para los profesionales de la salud y no está destinado a ser, ni debe interpretarse como asesoramiento médico, normativo o jurídico. Los puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en cualquier contenido de terceros reflejan los puntos de vista y opiniones personales de los ponentes/autores y no representan ni reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista ni opiniones de Leica Biosystems, sus empleados o sus agentes. Cualquier enlace incluido en el contenido que proporcione acceso a recursos o contenido de terceros se proporciona únicamente por comodidad. Para el uso de cualquier producto, debe consultarse la documentación correspondiente del producto, incluidas las guías de información, los prospectos y los manuales de funcionamiento. Copyright © 2025 Leica Biosystems division of Leica Microsystems, Inc. and its Leica Biosystems affiliates. All rights reserved. LEICA and the Leica Logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. Contact Our Product Expert Now If you have viewed this educational webinar or training and would like to apply for continuing education credits with your certifying organization, please download the form to assist you in adding self-reported educational credits to your transcript. SOLICITAR CRÉDITOS EDUCATIVOS AUTODECLARADOS Subscribe to our mailing list to learn about our upcoming symposiums and new research-focused product launches. ¡Suscríbase hoy mismo! SHARE Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email