LS Articles LBS Solutions Content Clinical Solutions Staining Pre-Analytics & Specimen Preparation Specimen Processing Webinars Case Studies Resources Life Sciences Solutions Educational Resources Articles Webinars Peer-Reviewed Publications Newsletters How to Guides Application Multiplexing Tips & Tricks to Multiplexing: How to Choose Chromogen Colors for Multiplex and Detection Systems for Multiplex Assays Rhian Evans , Ph.D., Scientist Learn more about multiplexing and explore these educational videos and infographics to understand how to choose chromogen colors for multiplex, as well as the different detection systems available for multiplex assays. H&E Image Quality & Tissue-based Research Rhian Evans , Ph.D., Scientist H&E is an important tool for disease research and drug development and is being increasingly combined with digital pathology technology. Image quality is important for slide digitization to ensure that interpretation is accurate. Take a look at some images here, produced by our digital pathology scanners. Cryosectioning 101 for Research Q&A John Stock , Senior Technical Support Specialist, Leica Biosystems Rhian Evans , Ph.D., Scientist In the webinar Cryosectioning 101 for Research, John Stock provided a comprehensive guide on achieving better cryosectioning outcomes. John went on to answer customer questions at the end of the session, that have been compiled for your viewing here. Tips & Tricks to Multiplexing: Top 5 Reasons to Multiplex and Chromogenic versus Immunofluorescent Detection Rhian Evans , Ph.D., Scientist Multiplexing is an important tool for simultaneous detection of multiple markers within a single tissue section. These educational infographics highlight the 5 key reasons to multiplex, as well as the main considerations for choosing chromogenic or immunofluorescent detection. From Microscope To Monitor A Proprietary Color Match Method from Leica Biosystems Allen Olson , PhD, Technical Lead Engineer and Scientist Lance Mikus , MBA Digital pathology is quickly growing across the globe as it offers increasing benefits to standardize and optimize the pathology lab workflow. Pathologists can now retrieve their cases in digital form and review and sign off cases using a PC and monitor. However, digital pathology companies offer many different monitors, depending on the company. Pathologists are often frustrated by the color variation of a digital image as it may not match the microscope color experience They often prefer a color that looks as close as possible to the typical experience using a microscope. Keeping Your Eye On Image Color Image Viewing and Image Analysis Across Digital Pathology Scanner Model Allen Olson , PhD, Technical Lead Engineer and Scientist Philip Thai GrĂ¡inne Moroney Digital pathology is a growing field, with multiple vendors offering a variety of hardware and software for different applications. With many options available for digital pathology scanners, viewing software, and both consumer and medical review monitors, users need the ability to adapt to variations in image appearance.