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Developing Antibodies for Immunohistochemistry for Diagnosis in Formalin Fixed, Paraffin Embedded Tissues

Kay Savage
Kay Savage M.D., PhD

The objectives of the presentation is to give an overview of monoclonal antibody production, specifically to give antibodies of good technical quality for diagnostic immunohistochemistry on formalin fixed paraffin embedded material. Methods of clone selection, antibody characterization and protocol optimization will be discussed.

Learning Objectives

  1. Review of principles of immunohistochemistry
  2. Description of how monoclonal antibodies are made and how clones are selected
  3. Overview of verification and validation testing performed on selected clones
  4. Description of how product claims are generated

About the presenter

Kay Savage , M.D., PhD

Kay Savage currently works at at Leica Biosystems Newcastle, as a Principal Scientist in the Antibody Development group. Her main responsibilities are subject matter expert in immunohistochemistry, responsible for development and characterization of antibody products, and generation of product claims. Dr. Savage previously worked for over ten years in the Histopathology department at the Royal Free Hospital in London, where she worked on her PhD in pathology on the pathology of Hepatitis C virus, as well as other immunohistochemistry based research projects on melanomas, colon and gastric cancer. Her previous role was five years as senior scientist then laboratory manager at the pathology core facility for Breakthrough Breast Cancer at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, where her main responsibilities were optimization of novel antibodies for use on FFPE tissues, production of tissue microarrays for use in breast cancer research, and providing a histological service to the research institute.

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